
Hiring Remotely | Tips for Bringing on New Employees

Written by ROARK | Nov 5, 2021 6:04:10 AM

As most have weathered the initial challenges the Covid-19 storm brought, companies are now shifting their focus back to hiring. As a result, onboarding somebody without physically bringing them on board has become a new challenge.

Here are some of the concerns we’ve encountered and solutions we’ve provided to bringing on a new employee in our current environment.

  1. How do we conduct interviews given the current environment?

I have spoken to companies that were insistent on meeting their next employee in person before making the hire, then realized their need was more immediate and made the adjustment and settled on the virtual approach. One pivot is to adjust how many meetings you take with a prospective employee and limit the number of people in the interview. Keep them simple and concise, making sure you ask the most important questions to get the critical information you need.

  1. Are virtual interviews just as effective as in-person?

Amazingly, they can be very fruitful. We’ve had several professionals interview online and every single one of them appeared on-screen in business attire. Who wouldn’t want a person like that to work for them? If they go the extra mile for an online interview, why wouldn’t they go the extra mile in other areas? Some of the things we take for granted may be the things that stand out in a virtual interview.

  1. How do we adjust the onboarding process?

In one instance, our professional was given a start date. He was given clear direction to come to the office, meet the IT manager outside, collect his work phone and computer materials and return home. He was then asked to plug everything in and then call in for a designated tutorial on what to do next. HAVE YOUR PLAN IN PLACE. Professionals are very flexible in these times when looking for employment…and following clear direction is chief among their adapted skills.

  1. How do we bring our office culture to them?

I thought this question from a hiring manager really showed the care this company takes in their workforce. The concern was hiring somebody that wouldn’t get the full benefit of a joyful office environment as they would be working from home. One idea was to have different co-workers check in virtually with the new employee at set times of the day. This empowers employees to be the brand for the company and will likely build momentum toward a glorious “real first day at the office” when we get back to some sense of normalcy.

  1. What if in-person training is critical to the position?

Not every company has been forced to have every employee work from home. One company shared that they have a few people that need to come into the office periodically. They have conference rooms that have been sanitized and have not been used in some time, so a short, in-person training session could take place. If pivots can and should be made, consult the appropriate members of your leadership and design a plan to ensure proper training and applicable safety measures.

In this world of COVID-19, adjustments have been and are being implemented. At ROARK, we’ve worked with our clients and professionals to develop strong best-practices to ensure a smooth remote onboarding process. Let’s work together to develop your plan to get the accounting and finance expertise you need during this new normal.

Contact us today to fill any open positions at your company.